As most people are aware that getting enough sleep supports your hormones for a healthy you. Most adults average about 7-9 hours of sleep. Less than 6 or 7 can have effect your next day. Chronically missing out on sleep can in fact increase risk of disease.
During sleep, your body releases hormones that aid your body to keep the heart and blood vessels healthy. Helping regulate your metabolism and the way your body converts food to energy. Sleep also helps your mind and body relax and recover from your day! Regulating your immune system as well, attributing to fighting off inflammation within your body. Research had also discovered that sleep can have a major effect on weight loss. People who sleep less are more likely to be overweight. Enough sleep will allow you to be more alert and focused the next day! This includes memory, for the simple fact that during sleep your brain makes connections. Linking events, feelings, and sensory input to form memories. Deep sleep is important for the memory factor.
The lack of sleep often deprives you of the hormones needed to keep your body in a healthy state. Causing high blood pressure and possibly over time heart disease. Also causing issues with your metabolism and fluctuating blood sugar levels that can lead to diabetes. Blood sugar extremes can affect your mood, energy levels, and mental function. Releasing the hormone cortisol when sleep deprived will put your body in a state of stress. Cortisol being the stress hormone, which often causes you to react in ways that are not productive. Acting out of fear and making rash decisions and causing you to be significantly irritable. Attributing to anxiety, you will often find people who are sleep deprived often become increasingly anxious.
Also when the immune system isn't getting the rest it needs to repair inflammation your bodies defense tends to break down. Chronic inflammation can do a significant amount of damage to the body including ulcers, dementia, and heart disease. Poor sleep also disrupts the balance of ghrelin and leptin which are hormones that control appetite.
Sleep is a big part of being healthy. As above, not getting enough consistently can cause long term issues. Sleep is good for repairs to the body that it needs to function at a high level the next day. While sleeping your body is hard at work restoring your hormonal balances. Listen to your body when it tells you that you are tired. And go to sleep!